Ispa-Landa, S. & Thomas, S.E. (2019). Race, Gender, and Emotion Work among School Principals. Gender & Society.
Thomas, S.E. (2017). “What Should I Do?”: Young Women’s Reported Dilemmas with Nude Photographs. Journal of Sexuality Research and Social Policy
Thomas, S. E., Weinstein, E., & Selman, R. L. (2017). Did I Cross the Line?: Gender Differences in Adolescents’ Anonymous Digital Self-Reports of Wrongdoing in an Online Anonymous Context. Sex roles, 77(1-2), 59-71.
Weinstein, E.C., Kim, J., Thomas, S.E., White, A.E., Dinakar, K. Selman, R.W. (2015). How to cope with digital stress: the recommendations adolescents offer their peers online. Journal of Adolescent Research.
WORKS IN PROGRESS Adam, E. K., Thomas, S.E., Hittner, E., Tavernier, R., Peck, S.C., Kemeny, M.E., Eccles, J.S. (manuscript in progress). Promotive Effects of Ethnic and Racial Identity in Adolescence and Early Adulthood on Adult Cortisol. Ispa-Landa, S., Mulroy, Q., and Thomas, S.E. (in progress). ’Everyone Knows Title IX Doesn’t Work for Us:’ College Women’s Collective Strategies for Staying Safe within a Campus Party Culture. Ispa-Landa, S. and Thomas, S.E. (in progress). Assessment and Emotion: College Women’s Emotion Work During Sorority Recruitment.
Thomas, S. E. (manuscript in progress) Rethinking Adolescent Sexting Policies from a Developmental Perspective.
Thomas, S. E. (in progress) Caleb and the Girlfriend: Teen Framing of Revenge Porn.
Adam, E. K., Levy, D., Heissel, J., Richeson, J. Ross, E., Tavernier, R., Thomas, S.E., Hittner, E. (2016, March 7). Race-Related Stress and Academic Disparities: New Models and Mechanisms. Invited presentation, Fay Lomax Cook Colloquium Series, Institute for Policy Research, Evanston, IL. Haase, C. M., Bloch, L., Alexander, N., Svoboda, R., Thomas, S. E., & Levenson, R. W. (2015, May). Emotion regulation during marital conflict, marital satisfaction, and mental health: Concurrent and longitudinal associations. In J. K. Monin (Chair), Interpersonal Emotion Regulation in Close Relationships. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY. Reitmeier, M.E., Svoboda, R., Thomas, S.E., Roosen, J., Haase, C.M. (2015, May). Emotional eating: emotion reactivity and food consumption in younger and older adults Poster presentation at the Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY. Svoboda, R., Silbereisen, R.K., Reitmeier, M.E., Thomas, S.E., Heckhausen, J., Haase, C.M. (2015, May) Achievement and power goals as sources of work engagement in younger and older adults. Poster presentation at the Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY. Thomas, S.E., Lwi, S., Svoboda, R., Reitmeier, M.E., Newton, S., Levenson R.W., Haase, C.M. (2015, May). With age comes greater sadness expression: A two-study investigation of age differences in facial expressions. Poster presentation at the Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY. Thomas, S.E., Weinstein, E., Selman, R. (2014, April). Gendered confessions: a study of wrongdoing in an online forum. Presentation at the Harvard Graduate School of Education Student Research Conference. Cambridge, MA. Thomas, S.E., Weinstein, E., Selman, R. (2016, July). Gendered confessions: a study of wrongdoing in an online forum. Poster at the International Association for Relationship Research. Toronto, Ontario. Weinstein, E.C., Kim, J., Thomas, S.E., White, A.E., Dinakar, K. Selman, R.W. (under review for 2016, October). How to cope with digital stress: the recommendations adolescents offer their peers online. Presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development Technology and Media in Children’s Development Conference. Irvine, CA. Wu, D.J., Bae, K.K., Svoboda, R.C., Reitmeier, M., Thomas, S.E. & Haase, C.M. (2016, May). Emotional Coherence between Facial Expressions and Heart Rate Is Associated with Well-Being. Poster presentation at the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.